How Much Does It Cost To Install An Evaporative Cooling System?

We recognise the importance of comfort aligned with cost-effective and eco-friendly solutions when it comes to evaporative cooling. If you're considering installing an evaporative cooling system and wondering about the costs, you're not alone.

At Gas Safe, Heating, Cooling & Plumbing, we specialise in innovative cooling technology. In our blog, we explore evaporative cooling systems, installation processes, and the advantages of having one in your home. Contact us today for expert guidance.

Cooling Systems

What Is An Evaporative Cooling System?

An evaporative cooling system, also known as an evaporative cooler, is part of the world of cooling technology. Functioning on the simple yet effective principle of water evaporation, these systems harness the power of nature to cool the air.

As warm air is drawn through water-saturated pads, the water evaporates, absorbing heat and transforming the air into a pleasantly cool breeze, making it an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly alternative for cooling indoor spaces as opposed to the use of air conditioning systems.

What's the Difference Between Air Conditioning and Evaporative Coolers?

The distinction between air conditioning and evaporative coolers lies in their cooling mechanisms and operational effects. Air conditioning employs refrigeration cycles, compressors, and coolants to remove heat from indoor air, resulting in a controlled and consistently cool environment.

Whereas evaporative cooling works by using the natural process of water evaporation to cool the air, offering a more energy-efficient option that adds moisture to the environment, providing a fresh and natural feel, especially well-suited for warm climates.

Is a Ducted Evaporative Cooler the same as Standard Evaporative Coolers?

Ducted evaporative coolers share the fundamental principle of standard evaporative coolers, both relying on the cooling power of water evaporation. However, the key distinction lies in their application and the distribution of cool air.

Ducted systems, equipped with a centralised network of ducts, effectively cool entire homes or large indoor spaces, ensuring a widespread cooling effect. While effective for localised cooling, standard evaporative coolers lack the centralised ducting infrastructure, making them suitable for smaller areas where a targeted cooling effect is needed.

What Makes Them Different?

The main difference lies in the scale and reach of the cooling solution, with ducted evaporative coolers offering a comprehensive and whole-home cooling experience. For those seeking an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly option to cool large spaces, choosing evaporative cooling with a ducted evaporative cooling unit becomes a compelling and strategic choice.

What Are the Benefits of Having An Evaporative Cooling System?

Evaporative air conditioning offers many benefits, making them a popular choice for people who want efficient and eco-friendly cooling. Firstly, an evaporative system uses much less electricity than traditional air conditioners, which can save you money in the long run.

Secondly, an evaporative cooler adds moisture to the air, which can be helpful in dry climates and can make your home feel more comfortable. Evaporative air cooling systems bring in fresh outside air, which can improve indoor air quality.

A preferred option for some, as these are cost-effective and environmentally friendly, as it doesn't use harmful refrigerants like some ducted refrigerated air conditioning units. The result is a well-balanced and cooled air environment that aligns with both efficiency and environmental consciousness.

Evaporative Coolers - Breaking Down Installation Costs

Installing evaporative coolers involves several factors that contribute to the overall cost. These factors include the size of the unit needed for the space, the complexity of the installation process, and any additional features or accessories desired.

While the installation costs for evaporative coolers are generally lower than traditional air conditioning systems, it's essential to consult with professionals to assess specific requirements for optimal performance and efficiency.

Evaporative Cooling Installation

Evaporative cooling installation involves placing the unit on the roof or an external wall, connecting it to a water source and strategically positioning the ductwork to efficiently distribute cooled air throughout the desired spaces. Water pads are installed, electrical components are connected, and proper ventilation is ensured for optimal performance.

Professional installation is crucial for safety and maximising energy efficiency, which can reduce running costs and impact the overall price of evaporative cooling. This eco-friendly system delivers cool and fresh air, making it a cost-effective solution for maintaining a comfortable indoor air temperature.

Colling Services

Install Evaporative Cooling with Gas Safe, Heating, Cooling & Plumbing

Sick of the hot air and want a cooling system with lower energy costs? Contact us today for more information on installation costs for your evaporative cooling system. Call us on 0459 788 870 or visit our website to enquire.


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